Dilan Maxfield


Romney, Colleagues Oppose Biden Proposal to Illegally Seize Drug Patents

Senator Romney joined his colleagues in sending a letter to NIH Director Bertagnolli raising serious concerns with the Biden Administration’s proposal that attempts to allow agencies to seize drug patents from companies under the Bayh-Dole Act if the Administration views that the price the company is charging is too high.

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America is safer when we defend freedom around the world.

Senator Romney has long been clear on this point: Vladimir Putin’s territorial ambitions extend beyond Ukraine. If the U.S. steps away from Ukraine and halts aid, Putin could be emboldened to invade a NATO nation, which would pull the U.S. into war. This week, Senator Romney urged his colleagues to pass additional aid to Ukraine and warned of the dire consequences of the U.S. losing its status as the global leader. He also pressed the Administration to clarify its posture on Iran, introduced legislation to help Americans rise out of poverty and find meaningful work, and met with several Utahns visiting Washington.

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Romney, Colleagues Urge Senate Leadership to Move Compacts of Free Association Forward

Senator Romney joined his colleagues in a letter urging Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY), Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Murray (D-WA), and Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chair Collins (R-ME) to support legislation to renew the Compacts of Free Association (COFA) with the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

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Romney: We Need to Make Sure the World Knows We Stand with Ukraine

Senator Romney joined CNN’s The Source with Kaitlan Collins to warn that walking away from Ukraine would threaten our own security and jeopardize the United States’ role as leader of the free world. Vladimir Putin will not stop at Ukraine—and the invasion of a NATO nation will pull the U.S. into conflict. Furthermore, failure to stand united with our friends and allies would give an opening to authoritarian states like China to emerge as the dominant power—threatening freedom and global stability.

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Romney Questions Administration’s Response to Attacks by Iranian Proxies on U.S. Forces in the Middle East

During a Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Iran’s proxy network in the Middle East, Senator Romney questioned the Biden Administration’s logic for not fully enforcing sanctions against Iran amid attacks by various Iranian proxy groups on United States and partner forces in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan. Senator Romney also expressed disappointment that no government officials appeared at this hearing to answer questions concerning the Administration’s latest posture toward Iran.

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Romney Leads Bill to Lift People Out of Social Safety Net and Into Workforce

Senator Romney introduced the One Door to Work Act, legislation which would allow states the flexibility to implement Utah’s successful model of consolidating federal workforce development and social safety net programs within a single state entity—like Utah’s Department of Workforce Services—to help unemployed workers reintegrate more quickly into the workforce.

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Letting Putin have his way jeopardizes our security.

Senator Romney has made deterring threats posed by authoritarian regimes, like the Chinese Communist Party and Putin’s Russia, a top priority. The Senator started his week by joining a majority of his colleagues in voting to send additional aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan—allies and partners whose resistance to authoritarian aggression is critical to America’s national security and standing as leader of the free world. Later in the week, Senator Romney headed home to Utah to meet with members of the state legislature and join one of the five passport fairs he, and the Utah Congressional delegation, set up with the State Department—advancing his efforts to bring a permanent passport agency to Salt Lake City.

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Romney: Utahns are very anxious to have a passport office in Salt Lake City

Senator Romney continued his longstanding effort to bring a passport agency to Salt Lake City by welcoming Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Rena Bitter, and representatives from the U.S. Department of State, to Utah. Throughout the week, the State Department, in coordination with the Utah Congressional Delegation, hosted five “passport fairs” throughout the state to provide Utahns with an opportunity to obtain passport services closer to home.

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