Life, Family & Religion

I am pro-life and pro-family, and I support policies that protect the lives of our children, born and unborn. In the Senate, I’ve been proud to cosponsor the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to prohibit abortions after the 20-week mark, the point at which evidence suggests an unborn child is able to feel pain. I also support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would ensure that a child who survives an abortion receives necessary medical care, just like any other baby. When a child is born alive, there is no question that the child should be cared for.

While most regulation of abortion takes place at the state level, I oppose abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the life of the mother, and I support longstanding federal prohibitions on taxpayer funding for abortion.

There are only a handful of states where births are outpacing deaths, and one of them is Utah. That means a lot of Utah families are having children, and it also means added expenses for those families. Too often, support for families turns into a maze of complicated, bureaucratic programs that put power in the hands of the federal government, not parents. To help even the playing field, I introduced the Family Security Act—legislation to modernize federal support into a monthly cash benefit that lets parents choose how best to support their family. The Family Security Act would also support families during pregnancy, promote marriage, and provide equal treatment for both working and stay-at-home parents.

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