Working Families


Romney Serves J.Dawgs, Utah Favorites at Lunch with Colleagues

Senator Romney joined Mrs. Romney in serving a selection of his home-state foods at a lunch he hosted for his Republican Senate colleagues. Jayson Edwards, founder and owner of Utah-based J.Dawgs, flew in from Utah with his gourmet hot dogs to personally grill for the group. In addition to J.Dawgs hot dogs with their signature “Special Sauce,” the menu included Mrs. Romney’s barbecue beans and BYU Creamery’s “Graham Canyon” ice cream.

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Romney, Murphy Unveil Bill to Keep Smartphones Out of the Classroom

Senators Romney and Murphy (D-CT) introduced the Smart Kids Not Smartphones Act, bipartisan legislation aimed at reducing the usage of smartphones by children in the classroom. The legislation would establish a non-competitive, non-monetary recognition award program—administered by the Department of Education—to highlight and celebrate any school that has and enforces a policy prohibiting the use of smartphones by students during instructional hours.

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Romney Sounds Alarm on Pervasive and Growing Illegal E-Cigarette Market

In light of the growing illegal e-cigarette market in the United States, Senator Romney urged FDA Commissioner Robert Califf and Attorney General Merrick Garland—heads of the multi-agency task force to combat the illegal distribution and sale of e-cigarettes—to regain control of the e-cigarette marketplace and help curb the rise of youth vaping.

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Romney Secures Passport Agency for Salt Lake City

After years of efforts to improve in-person consular services for Utahns, Senator Romney welcomed today’s announcement from the State Department that Salt Lake City will be the site of one of the six passport agency expansion locations throughout the country.

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Romney Highlights & Garners Support for His One Door to Work Act

At a HELP Committee hearing on reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Senator Romney highlighted the importance of his legislation to lift people out of the social safety net and into the workforce. Romney’s One Door to Work Act would allow states the flexibility to implement Utah’s successful model of consolidating federal workforce development and social safety net programs within a single state entity—like Utah’s Department of Workforce Services—to help unemployed workers reintegrate more quickly into the workforce.

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Romney Leads Hearing on Cutting Waste, Fraud & Abuse in Federal Government

Senator Romney, Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) Spending Oversight Subcommittee, and Senator Hassan (D-NH), the Subcommittee’s Chair, today led a hearing to examine the 2024 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on ways to reduce duplication, overlap, and fragmentation within the federal government and save taxpayer dollars. During the hearing, Romney highlighted legislation he introduced with Senator Manchin to require employees of federal agencies to return to in-person work after a recent GAO report found that 17 of 24 federal agency headquarters were operating at an average capacity of 25% or less.

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