
Romney Statement on the National Security Supplemental

After months of needless delay, Congress has finally approved much-needed funding for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and the U.S. military’s operations in these key regions. Just as I did in February, I again voted for this legislation because it is very much in America’s interests to support our friends and allies in the face of threats from Russia, China, and Iran.

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We cannot allow our AI technology to fall into the hands of terrorists.

Foreign adversaries and terrorists could misuse extremely powerful AI models of the future to develop biological, chemical, cyber, or nuclear weapons. This week, Senator Romney led a bipartisan effort to establish federal oversight over these advanced AI models to prevent this technology from being misused by bad actors to develop weapons that could threaten our national security or humanity at large. Senator Romney also met with groups of Utahns who were visiting Washington.

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Protecting American technology from our adversaries.

As China continues its quest to become the global superpower, the United States must remain diligent about safeguarding American technology. This week, Senator Romney focused on strengthening export controls enforcement—a key national security tool—to help ensure U.S. technology is not acquired or used by our adversaries. He introduced legislation to support interagency enforcement efforts and led an Emerging Threats Subcommittee hearing with Administration witnesses on the topic. Also critical to managing the emergence of China is the U.S. alliance with Japan. Upon Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to Washington, Senator Romney introduced a resolution underscoring the strength and importance of this alliance.

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